10th Trail des Cascades

10th Trail des Cascades


The Trail des Cascades is a sporting event that takes place in the Cathar Pyrenees in Ariège, from the village of Roquefort les Cascades, well known for its petrifying waterfalls.

There are 3 races on the program:

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Opening period

The Trail des Cascades is a sporting event that takes place in the Cathar Pyrenees in Ariège, from the village of Roquefort les Cascades, well known for its petrifying waterfalls.

There are 3 races on the program:

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Single price: from €5 to €16 (Trail registration :

12.5 km - 350 mD+ = 13 euros

14 km - 700 mD+ = 14 euros

28 km - 1500 mD+ = 16 euros

Trail registration :

11 km - 200 mD+ = 5 euros

14 km - 600 mD+ = 5 euros).



Roquefort-les-Cascades, 09300, Roquefort-les-Cascades - Get there
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